A Green Deal Industrial Plan for the Net-Zero Age

Author (Corporate)
Series Details COM (2023) 62
Publication Date 01/02/2023
Content Type , ,


Communication adopted by the European Commission on 1 February 2023, setting out a Green Deal Industrial Plan aimed at enhancing the competitiveness of the European Union's net-zero industry and supporting the fast transition to climate neutrality.

Further information:

The European Green Deal sets in stone the European Commission's green transition ambitions, including climate targets towards carbon neutrality by 2050. The Fit for 55 package provides a concrete plan to achieve those aims, with the REPowerEU Plan accelerating the move away from fossil fuels.

The Green Deal Industrial Plan, alongside the Circular Economy Action Plan, seeks to set a framework for the transformation of the EU's industry for the net-zero age. It aims to provide a more supportive environment for the scaling up of the EU's manufacturing capacity for the net-zero technologies and products required to meet the climate targets. It is based on four pillars: a predictable and simplified regulatory environment, speeding up access to finance, enhancing skills, and open trade for resilient supply chains. In this context, a consultation was launched alongside this Plan on amending the Temporary State aid Crisis and Transition Framework to speed up and simplify aid granting.

The Communication was adopted by the European Commission on 1 February 2023. The plenary of the European Parliament adopted a Resolution on this strategy on 16 February.

Source Link https://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/ALL/?uri=COM:2023:62:FIN
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