A Guide to the Statistical Treatment of Energy Performance Contracts

Author (Corporate) ,
Publication Date 08/05/2018
ISBN 978-92-861-3594-1
ISSN 2599-7076
EC QH-BG-18-001-EN-N
Content Type


In May 2018, a new Practicioner's Guide on the Statistical Treatment of Energy Performance Contracts (EPC) was launched.

The Guide explains how Energy Performance Contracts work and gives a clear overview of the potential impact on government finances. It is meant to be a helpful tool to provide clarity to public and private promoters in the context of the Investment Plan for Europe and remove perceived barriers to investment.

Source Link http://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/documents/1015035/8885635/guide_to_statistical_treatment_of_epcs_en.pdf
Related Links
European Commission: Press Release, 08.05.18: European Commission and EIB further clarify statistical treatment of Energy Performance Contracts http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-3707_en.htm

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