Agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Title
Series Details L 229, Pages 4-25
Publication Date 16/07/2020
Content Type


Bilateral Civil Aviation Safety Agreement (BASA) between European Union (EU) and Japan.

Further information:

The objectives of this Agreement are to:

  • Enable the reciprocal acceptance of findings of compliance made and certificates issues by either side's competent authorities or approved organisations;
  • Promote cooperation toward a high level of civil aviation safety and environmental compatibility;
  • Facilitate the multinational dimension of the civil aviation industry;
  • Facilitate and promote the free flow of civil aeronautical products and services.

The European Commission tabled a proposal for launching negotiations with Japan in December 2015, in the framework of its Aviation Strategy for Europe. The mandate for negotiations was authorised by the Council of the European Union on 8 March 2016. Negotiations were concluded in July 2019. The bilateral agreement was signed on 22 June 2020.

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Alternative sources
Related Links
EUR-LEX: Council Decision (EU) 2020/1026 on the signing, on behalf of the Union, and provisional application of the Agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan
EUR-LEX: Council Decision (EU) 2021/112 on the conclusion of the Agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan
EUR-LEX: Proposal for a Council Decision on the signing and provisional application of the Agreement on civil aviation safety between the European Union and Japan (Decision to use the written procedure for the adoption)
European Commission: Memo, 07/12/2015: International Aviation: an opportunity for growth and jobs in the EU aviation sector
European Commission: Press Release, 08/03/2016: Aviation: EU to launch negotiations with China and Japan for new safety agreements
European Commission: DG Mobility and Transport: News, 29/07/2019: European Commission strengthens aviation safety cooperation with Japan
European Commission: Press Release, 22/06/2020: Commission signs aviation agreement with Japan
Japan: Ministry of Foreign Affairs: Press Release, 23/06/2020: Signing of the Japan-EU Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement

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Countries / Regions
International Organisations
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