Article 10 ERDF innovative actions. Innovation promotion

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 1999
ISBN 92-828-7931-3
EC CX-24-99-970-EN-C
Content Type


What is innovation? Why innovate? Posing simple questions is often the best means of approaching a complex subject. In this short foreword, it is impossible to take into account the myriad definitions of innovation, nor is it relevant. Instead it is enough to note that innovation must be first and foremost about the creation of new wealth, social well-being and employment. Increasingly, European regions have come to realise that above and beyond differences in physical infrastructure endowments, financial resources or research and development capacity, their future growth prospects depend on the openness of firms to seizing new markets, developing products and applying creatively new technologies.

In this brochure, each of the 27 regions which has participated since 1994 in the development of a Regional Innovation Strategy, part-financed under the "Innovative Actions" programme of Article 10 of the European Regional Development Fund, has been given the opportunity to present in their own words:

+ why such a strategic review exercise is considered vital to the future growth prospects of the region;

+ the manner in which the RIS has built upon, strengthened or created a regional partnership around the theme of innovation;

+ the concrete results to date in terms of pilot actions;

+ the wider impact on regional policy and in particular the use of Structural Funds.

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