Bulletin of the EU goes e only

Author (Person)
Series Title
Publication Date 2006
Content Type

From 2005 the monthly Bulletin of the European Union, a key source for monitoring EU activities, was reduced in language options to only English, French and German in the paper version. A further major change took place from 1st January 2006: the Bulletin is now published only in electronic format. On the positive side, each issue is now updated several times during the course of a month and the site search engine allows a search over all the issues available online from 1996 at one time. Also hyperlinks lead directly to related documents and entries. To see this important source no longer available in print is however a significant step towards wider electronic only access.

Source Link Link to Main Source http://ec.europa.eu/archives/bulletin/en/bullset.htm
Countries / Regions
Record URL https://www.europeansources.info/record/?p=372871