Civil services in the accession states: New trends and the impact of the integration process

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 2003
ISBN 90-6779-173-3
Content Type

Book abstract:

In light of the imminent expansion of the European Union (EU) in 2004, which will see the inclusion of ten new countries, this book provides a comparative analysis of civil services in the accession states, focusing on their overall organisation and the specific role of civil service law. It does this with the aim of emphasising the similarities and contrasts that exist across the countries under consideration. Issues raised include employment trends, mobility and career development, human resource management, remuneration and pension systems, as well as matters of social dialogue, striking, and the facilitation of a more open relationship between the civil service and EU citizens. To varying degrees of length and attention, the book contains work on all thirteen participating countries within the EU.

Following a brief introduction, the study, which bases itself on information derived from a questionnaire sent out to the accession states in 2002, is divided into seven chapters. Chapter two deals with the question of reform in the civil service throughout the nations concerned, and chapter three asks whether or not the civil services in existing EU Member States provide a suitable model for the accession states. Chapter four turns to the question of the 'career' or 'position' systems, their legitimation and the extent of their compatibility within accession states, chapter five looks at the comparisons and contrasts in the civil services across the countries, in terms, for instance, of structure, organisation, recruitment schemes, pension systems, personnel management, managing management, ethical rules, anti-corruption measures, wage-trends and working time flexibility, and chapter six looks at the problem of Europeanising the administration and civil services throughout the accession states. Chapter seven deals with the implications or what the writer calls the 'new challenges' facing civil law in the accession states and chapter eight closes the work by attempting some conclusions.

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