Compendium of the public internal control systems in the EU Member States 2012

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2011
ISBN 978-92-79-19982-0
EC KV-31-11-130-EN-C
Content Type

This Compendium provides a structured overview of the various public internal control (PIC) systems currently being applied by the public sector in each of the 27 EU Member States. These are systems primarily used to manage their national funds, both revenues and expenditure, rather than European funds. It is the first time that a comprehensive overview has been produced. It is based on national contributions (mainly from ministries of finance or treasuries). These contributions are not confined to the present situation only; most Member States also provide valuable information on potential future developments.

The compendium is primarily aimed at being a source of information for and discussion amongst those organisations that are responsible for the development of national internal control systems, whether they are from governments inside the European Union or outside (e.g. candidate countries, potential candidate countries and European Neighbourhood Policy countries). However, other audiences may also have an interest, e.g. supreme audit institutions, academic circles and all those who have a professional interest in being updated on the latest developments in the field of good governance in EU Member States.

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