Debate with the Prime Minister of the Latvian Republic on the Future of Europe

Publication Date 17/04/2019
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Debate held at the plenary session of the European Parliament on 17 April 2019 with Latvia's Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš, as part of a series of debates with leaders of EU Member States on the future of Europe.

Further information:

Mr Karins suggested the European Union (EU) should focus on four main fields of action: completing the single market, controlling external borders, undertaking a clever transition towards clean energy and boosting security. The Latvian Prime Minister called on EU stakeholders not to fight populism, but rather to address the roots of people's dissatisfaction.

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Related Links
European Parliament: Press Release, 17/04/2019: Latvian Prime Minister Kariņš: boost the EU’s essentials
European Commission: Discours du Président Jean-Claude Juncker en plénière du Parlement européen à l'occasion du débat sur l'avenir de l'Europe avec Krišjānis Kariņš, Premier ministre de la République de Lettonie

News, 17/04/2019: Latvian PM Krišjanis Kariņš talks about Europe's future in Strasbourg
LETA, 17/04/2019: Immigration problems can be solved through integration - Karins

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