
Series Title
Series Details July 2017
Publication Date 2017
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On the 18 September 2015 the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) issued a notice of violation of the Clean Air Act to German automaker Volkswagen Group. The allegations concerned the sale of approximately 590,000 model year 2009 to 2016 diesel motor vehicles equipped with defeat devices in the form of computer software designed to cheat on federal emissions tests.

As a result of this action Volkswagen became the target of investigation in many countries around the world, including countries in Europe - and also investigations in the activities of other vehicle manufacturers.

In June and December 2016 Volkswagen entered into two multi-billion dollar settlements with the EPA to resolve part of the US violations.

On 17 December 2015 the European Parliament decided to set up the EMIS Committee (Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector) to investigate in detail alleged contraventions and maladministration in relation to emission measurements in the automotive sector.

The EMIS committee’s final report was approved in February 2017 by members of the Committee. It was the fruit of twelve months’ intensive work to reconstruct events and collect and analyse evidence, in particular on the series of events that led to the car emission cheating test scandal which broke in September 2015 and on the role played by the European Commission and member states before and after the scandal.

The inquiry concluded that the VW scandal was just an aspect of a much wider problem, which affected the automotive sector as a whole: the large discrepancies between nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions of diesel cars in the laboratory and on the road.

The European Parliament in plenary adopted the report in April 2017.

Source Link http://www.europeansources.info/
Related Links
EurActiv, 19.09.16: Many car brands emit more pollution than Volkswagen, report finds http://www.euractiv.com/section/transport/news/many-car-brands-emit-more-pollution-than-volkswagen-report-finds/
Transport & Environment: Dieselgate: Who? What? How? [PDF] https://www.transportenvironment.org/sites/te/files/publications/2016_09_Dieselgate_report_who_what_how_FINAL.pdf
EurActiv: Topic: Dieselgate https://www.euractiv.com/topics/dieselgate/
ESO: Background information: Inquiry into emission measurements in the automotive sector http://www.europeansources.info/record/inquiry-into-emission-measurements-in-the-automotive-sector/
EUObserver, 18.09.16: One year on: Dieselgate keeps getting bigger https://euobserver.com/dieselgate/135124
ESO: Background information: VW software scandal: Chief apologises for breaking public trust http://www.europeansources.info/record/vw-software-scandal-chief-apologises-for-breaking-public-trust/
EurActiv, 21.09.16: 29 million vehicles exceed EU NOX limits http://www.euractiv.com/section/transport/news/29-million-vehicles-exceed-eu-nox-limits/
Transport & Environment: Dieselgate: Who? What? How?, 2016 https://www.transportenvironment.org/press/dieselgate-1st-anniversary-all-diesel-car-brands-europe-are-even-more-polluting-volkswagen
ESO: Find further information in ESO on this topic http://www.europeansources.info/advSearchLink?keyword=dieselgate%20&searchOption=all
Politico: Tag: Dieselgate http://www.politico.eu/tag/dieselgate/
The Local.de: Tag: Dieselgate https://www.thelocal.de/tag/dieselgate
Deutsche Welle: Tag: Dieselgate http://www.dw.com/en/dieselgate/t-18923387
The Guardian: Tag: Volkswagen https://www.theguardian.com/business/vw-volkswagen
European Parliament: EMIS: Committee of Inquiry into Emission Measurements in the Automotive Sector (2015-2017) http://www.europarl.europa.eu/committees/en/emis/home.html
Wikipedia: Volkswagen emissions scandal https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Volkswagen_emissions_scandal
Blog: Jalopnik: Tag: Dieselgate http://jalopnik.com/tag/dieselgate
EUObserver: Tag: Dieselgate https://euobserver.com/dieselgate
Transport & Environment: Campaigns: Dieselgate: Testing reform https://www.transportenvironment.org/what-we-do/dieselgate-testing-reform
US: United States Environmental Protection Agency: Volkswagen Violations https://www.epa.gov/vw
ICCT: Blog, 12.05.16: The emissions test defeat device problem in Europe is not about VW http://www.theicct.org/blogs/staff/emissions-test-defeat-device-problem-europe-not-about-vw
Spiegel Online International, 23.10.17: Out of Nowhere. The Three Students Who Uncovered 'Dieselgate' http://www.spiegel.de/international/business/the-three-students-who-discovered-dieselgate-a-1173686.html

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