Directive (EU) 2019/884 on the exchange of information on third country nationals and the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS)

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Title
Series Details L 151
Publication Date 07/06/2019
Content Type


Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council of 17 April 2019 amending Council Framework Decision 2009/315/JHA on the organisation and content of the exchange of information extracted from criminal records between Member States.

Further information:

The European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS) is an electronic system for exchanging information on previous convictions handed down against a specific person by criminal courts in the European Union for the purposes of criminal proceedings against a person and, if so permitted by national law, for other purposes. Previously, although it was possible to exchange information on convictions concerning third country nationals and stateless persons (TCN) through ECRIS, there was no mechanism in place to do so efficiently.

This Directive builds on the European Commission's priority of combating cross-border crime and terrorism as a common European responsibility in an Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, one of the initiatives of the European Agenda on Security. It aims to ensure that ECRIS covers both EU nationals and TCN criminal record information.

The Directive was proposed on 19 January 2016 by the European Commission. The Council of the European Union adopted its stance on the proposal on 8 December 2017.

Source Link
Related Links
The Wall Street Journal, 19/01/2016: EU seeks to expand criminal data swap to cover non-EU citizens
EUObserver, 20/01/2016: EU criminal database to include non-EU citizens
Politico, 20/01/2016: Paris attacks prompt EU to share secrets
Sputnik International, 20/01/2016: Europe steps up criminal checks on non-EU citizens after flaws exposed

EUR-Lex: COM(2016)7: Proposal for a Directive on the exchange of information on third country nationals and the European Criminal Records Information System (ECRIS)
EUR-Lex: SWD(2016)4: Impact assessment accompanying COM(2016)7
EUR-Lex: SWD(2016)5: Executive summary of the impact assessment accompanying COM(2016)7
European Parliament: Legislative Train: Improvement of European criminal records information system (ECRIS)
European Commission: Press Release, 19/01/2016: Commission proposes to strengthen the exchange of criminal records on non-EU citizens
European Commission: Fact Sheet, 19/01/2016: ECRIS to be upgraded to allow a better exchange of criminal records relating to non-EU nationals [FAQ]
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 08/12/2017: European criminal records information system (ECRIS): Council agrees its position

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