EU law. Text, cases and materials. 2nd ed.

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date 1998
ISBN 0-19-876510-X (Hbk)
Content Type

EU law. Text, cases and materials, 2nd ed.:
The first edition of this substantial book published in 1995 has established itself as a well-respected and heavily used text-book on EU undergraduate law courses covering both institutional and substantive law. Chapters are arranged so that text, commentary and analysis are combined with details of a selected number of relevant cases. Since 1995 there have been many important developments in EC and EU law. The intervening years have seen the Intergovernmental Conference leading to the revision now encapsulated in the Amsterdam Treaty and there has also been much important legislation. The European Court of Justice has also produced a number of seminal judgments in areas as diverse as state liability in damages, indirect effect, equality and standing to challenge the legality of Community action. These developments are covered in this second edition. The law has been stated as it stood on 1 February 1998, although it is assumed that the Treaty of Amsterdam will come into force and the numbering of Treaty articles reflects this.

Craig, Paul/De Búrca, Gráinne EU law. Text, cases and materials, 2nd ed.
Oxford University Press, 1998
ISBN: 0-19-876510-X (Hbk)/0-19-876509-6 (Pbk)
Price: £55.00 (Hbk)/ £25.99 (Pbk)

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