EU security and justice law. After Lisbon and Stockholm

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details Vol.42
Publication Date 2014
ISBN 978-1-84946-422-2
Content Type


1. Rethinking Europe’s Freedom, Security and Justice - Cian C. Murphy and Diego Acosta Arcarazo
2. Justice and Home Affairs Law since the Treaty of Lisbon: A Fairy-Tale Ending? - Steve Peers
3. Constitutional Principles in the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice - Ester Herlin-Karnell
4. Institutions and Agencies: Government and Governance after Lisbon - Jorrit Rijpma
5. Fundamental Rights and Judicial Protection - Theodore Konstadinides and Noreen O’Meara
6. Citizenship of the European Union - Stephen Coutts
7. EU Criminal Law Competence after Lisbon: From Securitised to Functional Criminalisation - Valsamis Mitsilegas
8. EU Migration Law: The Opportunities and Challenges Ahead - Dora Kostakopoulou, Diego Acosta Arcarazo and Tine Munk
9. Life After Lisbon: EU Asylum Policy as a Factor of Migration Control - Violeta Moreno-Lax
10. Counter-Terrorism Law and Policy: Operationalisation and Normalisation of Exceptional Law after the ‘War on Terror’ - Cian C. Murphy
11. External Relations Law: How the Outside Shapes the Inside - Christina Eckes
The coming into force of the Lisbon Treaty has provided the EU with new powers in the fields of criminal law and security law while reinforcing existing powers in immigration and asylum law. The Stockholm Programme is the latest framework for EU action in the field of justice and home affairs. It includes a range of new legislation in the fields of immigration and asylum, substantive criminal law, criminal procedure and co-operation between national criminal justice systems.

The combination of the new treaty and programme have made security and justice key areas of legislative growth in the EU. This volume brings together a range of leading scholars, as well as some of the most interesting new voices in the debate, to examine the state of EU security and justice law after the Lisbon Treaty and the Stockholm Programme. It provides a critical examination of EU law in the fields of immigration, asylum, counter-terrorism, citizenship, fundamental rights and external relations.

The book also examines the evolving roles of the EU institutions and criminal justice agencies. It provides the first comprehensive account of EU law in this field under the developing constitutional and institutional settlement and asks what kind of EU law is emerging in this exciting field.

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