European Union Agency for Railways

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2018
Content Type ,

Following the entry into force of the technical pillar of the 4th EU Railway Package on 15th June 2016, the European Union Agency for Railways replaced and succeeded the European Railway Agency.

The mission of the European Union Agency for Railways was: 'Making the railway system work better for society'.

To achieve this, the Agency contributed, on technical matters, to the implementation of the European Union legislation aiming at improving the competitive position of the railway sector by:

+ enhancing the level of interoperability of rail systems
+ developing a common approach to safety on the European railway system
+ contributing to creating a Single European Railway Area without frontiers guaranteeing a high level of safety.

In addition, the European Union Agency for Railways has become, from 16 June 2019 onward, the European Authority to:

+ issue single EU-wide safety certificates to railway undertakings
+ issue vehicle authorisations for operation in more than one country
+ grant pre-approval for ERTMS infrastructure.

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Related Links
IRJ, 17/06/2019: EU Agency for Railways becomes European cross-border rail authority

Commentary and Analysis
EPRS: At a Glance, October 2019: European Union Agency for Railways
Railway Technology, 03/09/2019: Timeline: Europe’s dream for a single railway, two decades in
EPRS: Briefing, December 2019: European Rail Traffic Management System (ERTMS): An EU industrial programme to raise railway competitiveness

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