Handbook On European Competition Law: Enforcement and Procedure

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Publication Date 2013
ISBN 978-1-78254-609-2
Content Type

Handbook on European Competition Law: Enforcement and Procedure sets out in detail the procedural aspects of EU competition law, ranging from fines, remedies and judicial review. It also gives unique insight into both private and public enforcement of completion law, and offers commentary on the relationship between EU competition law and national competition law, and on the relationship between competition law and private international law.


+ Foreword

+ Preface

+ 1. Econometric Evidence in EU Competition Law: An Empirical and Theoretical Analysis
Ioannis Lianos and Christos Genakos

+ 2. The Public Enforcement of Articles 101 and 102 TFEU under Council Regulation No 1/2003: Due Process Considerations
Arianna Andreangeli

+ 3. Public Enforcement: The ECN – Network Antitrust Enforcement in the European Union
Damien M.B. Gerard

+ 4. Private Enforcement in the EU with Emphasis on Damages Actions
Assimakis P. Komninos

+ 5. Procedural Aspects of Merger Control
Nicholas Levy

+ 6. The EU Competition Law Fining System
Damien Geradin, Christos Malamataris and John Wileur

+ 7. Competition Law Remedies in Europe
Ioannis Lianos

+ 8. EU Competition Law and Private International Law: A Developing Relationship
Barry J. Rodger

+ 9. Judicial Review in EU Competition Law
Heike Schweitzer

+ 10. Relationship between EU Competition Law and National Competition Laws
Katalin Cseres

+ 11. Legal Uncertainty, Penalties, and the Limits to Effects-based Standards
Yannis Katsoulacos and David Ulph

+ Index

Source Link Link to Main Source http://www.e-elgar.co.uk/
Related Links
ESO: Background Information: Handbook On European Competition Law: Substantive Aspects http://www.europeansources.info/record/handbook-on-european-competition-law-substantive-aspects/

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Record URL https://www.europeansources.info/record/?p=471334