Inter-institutional relations in the treatment of petitions: the role of the Commission

Author (Person) ,
Author (Corporate)
Publisher ,
Series Title
Series Details PE 659.507
Publication Date April 2021
ISBN 978-92-846-7178-6
EC QA-02-20-811-EN-N
Content Type ,


This study presents an analysis of the EU right to petition, as a key element of participatory democracy, and its procedure with a focus on the cooperation between the Committee on Petitions and the Commission. It examines the procedures to deal with petitions and infringements of EU law, in particular EU environmental law. It provides an overview of key features of national petition systems in relation to the EU system and proposes recommendations for action by the EP and the Commission to improve the way petitions are handled.

Further information:

The study was commissioned by the European Parliament’s Policy Department for Citizens’ Rights and Constitutional Affairs at the request of the PETI Committee.

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International Organisations
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