It’s a better life. How the EU’s single market benefits you

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date 2002
ISBN 92-894-4051-1
EC NA-40-01-997-EN-C
Content Type


The creation, growth and development of the European Union have over the last fifty years freed its citizens from all sorts of restrictions. Progress has been especially marked since the creation of the EU's 'single market' a decade ago. National frontiers between EU countries have been virtually dismantled. The resulting single market means that goods, people and services can move freely throughout the EU and it has opened up economic and working opportunities that have transformed the lives of hundreds of millions of Europeans. This booklet describes some of the many benefits EU citizens now enjoy. It sets out to show that the single market is not a dry and dusty concept relevant only to big business. It is delivering a better life for everyone.

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International Organisations
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