Media and online narratives, fake news and disinformation trends in relation to Roma in Bulgaria

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Publication Date 07/12/2020
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The report “Media and online narratives, fake news and disinformation trends in relation to Roma in Bulgaria" investigates the hostile relationship between online media channels and the Roma community through the prism of disinformation and fake news. The study reports on results from data obtained through online media analysis and focus group data with Roma activists, leaders, mediators, and youth.

The report approaches the issue of media hostility against the Roma community in a twofold manner. On the one hand, it discusses the persisting anti-Roma stereotypes, myths, and prejudicial images which permeate the public domain through new and adaptive online practices for asserting negative narratives and attitudes. On the other hand, the report analyses the effects of media hostility, fake news, and disinformation campaigns on members of the Roma community whose susceptibility to fraudulent information and inter-group stereotypes has been strongly influenced by social media and anti-integration attitudes.

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