Mergers and acquisitions

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Series Title
Series Details Vol.7, No.1, Spring 2006, p3-45
Publication Date March 2006
ISSN 1615-245X
Content Type

Series of articles:

A new perspective on mergers and acquisitions: Evidence explained, policies prescribed (Johan Stennek)

The market for mergers and the boundaries of the firm (Kevin Gardiner)

Corporate restructuring and M&A activity (José Manuel Campa)

Comparative advantage, cross-border mergers and merger waves: International
economics meets industrial organisation (Steven Brakman, Harry Garretsen and Charles van Marrewijk)

Trouble in paradise: Will technocrats review global mergers forever? (Simon J. Evenett)

The “more economic approach” in EU merger control (Arndt Christiansen)

Germany as an emerging archipelago economy: On some less obvious implications of corporate takeovers and mergers (Hans-Martin Zademach)

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