Political dialogue between Spanish government and Catalan leadership

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Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2020
Content Type ,


Reports and analysis related to the political dialogue launched by Spain's central government and Catalonia's regional presidency in 2020.

Further information:

The first meeting between Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez and Catalonia's leader Quim Torra was held on 6 February 2020, to set out an agenda for wider negotiations with the region. The plan seeks to address Catalonia’s push for independence and improve relations with the region, which remained strained ever since the failed referendum in 2017. The agenda puts issues ranging from taxation to decentralization on the table, although notably not the right to self-determination.

This dialogue between the central and regional authorities were a condition set out by the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya (ERC) party, ahead of their decision to facilitate the parliamentary confirmation of the cabinet led by Pedro Sánchez following months of political deadlock. The agreement was heavily criticised by Spanish right-wing opposition.

The talks formally started on 26 February 2020.

Related Links
Commentary and Analysis
Euronews, 08/01/2020: What does Spain's election result mean for Catalonia's independence movement? https://www.euronews.com/2020/01/08/what-does-spain-s-election-result-mean-for-catalonia-s-independence-movement
RFI News, 13/01/2020: Spain's new government to tackle Catalonia via negotiation http://www.rfi.fr/en/wires/20200113-spains-new-government-tackle-catalonia-negotiation
Politico, 06/02/2020: Catalonia’s ‘window of opportunity’ https://www.politico.eu/article/catalonia-independence-window-of-opportunity/
Foreign Policy, 25/02/2020: There’s a Solution to Catalonia’s Crisis. Spain’s King Is Standing in the Way https://foreignpolicy.com/2020/02/25/solution-to-catalonia-crisis-felipe-pedro-sanchez-erc-spain-king-is-standing-in-the-way/
Associated Press, 26/02/2020: Spain opens talks with Catalonia over separatist conflict https://apnews.com/7218dd042bf96560df65cba5bbb46dfd
Euro|topics, February 2020: Spain: round table between Madrid and Barcelona https://www.eurotopics.net/en/236055/

Associated Press, 12/01/2020: Spain’s leader: ‘Dialogue’ key to new left-wing government https://apnews.com/476152bfd3b22cf0827b7fca8879af78
Reuters, 20/01/2020: Spain PM Sanchez to meet with Catalan leader Torra first week of February https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN1ZJ28D
El País, 21/01/2020: Spanish prime minister announces date of meeting with Catalan premier https://english.elpais.com/elpais/2020/01/21/inenglish/1579598106_545045.html
The Local (Spain), 31/01/2020: Madrid puts off separatist talks over Catalan snap election https://www.thelocal.es/20200131/madrid-delays-separatist-talks-over-catalan-snap-election
El País, 31/01/2020: Spanish PM backtracks on postponing talks with Catalan government https://english.elpais.com/politics/catalonia_independence/2020-01-31/spanish-pm-backtracks-on-postponing-talks-with-catalan-government.html
Reuters, 06/02/2020: Spain's PM meets Catalan separatist leader, sets out roadmap for talks https://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKKBN2002ME
EurActiv, 07/02/2020: Spanish, Catalan leaders agree to start ‘constructive dialogue’ this month https://www.euractiv.com/section/justice-home-affairs/news/spanish-catalan-leaders-agree-to-start-constructive-dialogue-this-month/
El País, 06/02/2020: Spanish PM meets with Catalan premier ahead of talks on region’s future https://english.elpais.com/politics/catalonia_independence/2020-02-06/spanish-pm-meets-with-catalan-premier-ahead-of-talks-on-regions-future.html

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