Regulation (EU) 2021/1232 on a temporary derogation from certain provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC as regards the use of technologies by providers of number-independent interpersonal communications services for the processing of personal and other data for the purpose of combating online child sexual abuse

Author (Corporate) ,
Series Title
Series Details L 274, Pages 41-51
Publication Date 30/07/2021
Content Type , , ,


Regulation (EU) 2021/1232 - formally adopted by the European Union on 14 July 2021 - introducing a temporary derogation from certain provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC concerning the processing of personal data and the protection of privacy in the electronic communications sector. This is a text with EEA relevance.

Further information:

Directive 2002/58/EC - also known as Directive on Privacy and Electronic Communications (ePrivacy) - ensures the protection of private life, confidentiality of communications and personal data in the electronic communications sector. The definition of electronic communications services is to be replaced by the entry into application of the European Electronic Communications Code (EECC), to include number-independent interpersonal communications services. These are to be covered by the ePrivacy Directive, which relies on the definition of the EECC.

The providers must comply with the ePrivacy Directive’s obligation to respect the confidentiality of communications and with the conditions for processing communications data. The existing practices of some number-independent interpersonal communications services to detect child sexual abuse online could interfere with certain provisions of the ePrivacy Directive.

A draft law was therefore tabled by the European Commission on 10 September 2020 to introduce a narrow and targeted legislative interim solution with the sole objective of creating a temporary and strictly limited derogation from the applicability of Articles 5(1) and 6 of the ePrivacy Directive, which protect the confidentiality of communications and traffic data. This Regulation should cease to apply in December 2025. In case the announced long-term legislation is adopted and enters into force prior to this date, that legislation should repeal the present Regulation.

The draft law was tabled by the European Commission on 10 September 2020. Member State representatives adopted a Council negotiating position on 28 October, followed by the European Parliament's relevant committee on 7 December and confirmed by plenary on 16 December. An informal agreement between the co-legislators on a compromise text for this draft law was reached on 29 April 2021. Following formal endorsement by the Council and the Parliament, the Act was signed on 14 July 2021. It was published in the Official Journal on 30 July 2021.

This Regulation lays down temporary and limited rules derogating from certain obligations laid down in Directive 2002/58/EC, with the sole objective of enabling providers of certain number-independent interpersonal communications services to use specific technologies for the processing of personal and other data to the extent strictly necessary to detect online child sexual abuse on their services and report it and to remove online child sexual abuse material from their services. This Regulation does not apply to the scanning of audio communications.

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Related Links
EUR-LEX: COM(2020)568: Proposal for a Regulation on a temporary derogation from certain provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC as regards the use of technologies by number-independent interpersonal communications service providers for the processing of personal and other data for the purpose of combatting child sexual abuse online
European Parliament: Legislative Observatory: Procedure File for Proposal on Use of technologies by number-independent interpersonal communications service providers for the processing of personal and other data for the purpose of combatting child sexual abuse online (temporary derogation from certain provisions of Directive 2002/58/EC) (2020/0259(COD))
European Parliament: Legislative Train Schedule: Proposal for Regulation on a Temporary Derogation from certain provisions of the e-Privacy Directive for the purpose of combating child sexual abuse online
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 28/10/2020: Combating child abuse online – Council ready to negotiate a temporary measure
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 29/04/2021: Combating child abuse online – informal deal with European Parliament on temporary rules
Renew Europe Group: Newsroom, 05/07/2021: European Parliament adopts temporary regulation to combat sexual child abuse online
European Parliament: Press Release, 06/07/2021: Parliament adopts temporary rules to detect child sexual abuse online
S&D Group: Newsroom, 06/07/2021: S&Ds call for permanent solutions to fight child sexual abuse online

EurActiv, 23/02/2021: Portugal wants deal on EU privacy law to combat online child sex abuse
Politico, 06/07/2021: EU Parliament lets companies look for child abuse on their platforms, with reservations
EurActiv, 06/07/2021: New EU law allows screening of online messages to detect child abuse
Euronews, 07/07/2021: EU adopts temporary rules to detect and report online child abuse
Forbes, 07/07/2021: EU Passes Emergency Law Allowing Tech Companies To Screen Messages For Child Abuse

Commentary and Analysis
EPRS: Study, February 2021: Commission proposal on the temporary derogation from the e-Privacy Directive for the purpose of fighting online child sexual abuse. Targeted substitute impact assessment
EDRi: Blog, 05/05/2021: Companies are now allowed to scan your private communications
EPRS: At a Glance, July 2021: Squaring privacy rules with measures to combat child sexual abuse online

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