Regulation (EU) 2024/1449 on establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans

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Series Title
Series Details (L) 2024/1449
Publication Date 25/05/2024
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Regulation (EU) 2024/1449 - adopted by the co-legislators on 14 May 2024 - establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans.

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Insufficient socio-economic convergence between the Western Balkans and the European Union (EU) is deemed a long-standing issue, exacerbated by the economic impact of  Russia's invasion of Ukraine and COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic. A higher degree of convergence is seen as way to further facilitate the integration of the region into the EU. Economic convergence is at the heart of EU membership benefits, and due to the specificities of the region, progressive integration with the EU's single market prior to accession might be able to unlock some of the benefits earlier.

On that basis, the European Commission developed a Growth Plan for the Western Balkans, based on a number of pillars. The Reform and Growth Facility serves as the centrepiece of the Growth Plan, increasing financial assistance based on a reform agenda focused on socio-economic reforms coupled with other fundamental reforms. It introduces conditionality by establishing a payment mechanism based on achievements of these reforms. The Facility complements the already existing Instrument for Pre-Accession (IPA III) by focusing on specific determinants for social and economic growth. Each beneficiary must prepare a Reform Agenda setting out key measures for the period 2024-2027 to accelerate socio-economic convergence with the EU.

This draft law was adopted by the European Commission on 8 November 2023. The Council of the European Union adopted its general approach to the file on 6 March 2024. The plenary of the European Parliament endorsed a negotiating position on the draft law on 14 March. An informal agreement between the co-legislators on a compromise text for this proposal was reached on 4 April. This was formally endorsed by the Parliament on 24 April and the Council on 7 May. The Act was signed by the co-legislators on 14 May 2024 and published in the Official Journal on 24 May 2024.

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Commentary and Analysis
Euronews: Euroviews, 27/02/2024: The EU's new Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans still needs fixing
European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS): At a Glance, 16/04/2024: Establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans

The Baltic Times, 12/02/2024: €6 billion extra aid for the Western Balkans needs better protection
EurActiv, 05/04/2024: Council, Parliament agrees on Western Balkan funds, conditions on security policy alignment
EurActiv, 05/04/2024: New Western Balkans funding could flow by summer, enlargement chief says

EUR-LEX: COM(2023)692: Proposal for a Regulation on establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
Publications Office of the EU: EU Law Tracker: Proposal for a Regulation on establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
European Parliament: Legislative Observatory: Procedure File for Proposal on Establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans (2023/0397(COD))
European Parliament: Legislative Train Schedule: Regulation establishing the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
European Commission: Press Release, 08/11/2023: Commission presents a new Growth Plan for the Western Balkans including €6 billion in grants and loans to accelerate economic convergence with the EU
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 06/03/2024: Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans: Council agrees its negotiating mandate
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 04/04/2024: Provisional deal on the Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
European Commission: Press Release, 04/04/2024: Commission welcomes political agreement on the €6 billion Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans
Renew Europe EP Group: Newsroom, 24/04/2024: The Western Balkans Facility, a key financial instrument to bring the region closer to the EU
S&D EP Group: Newsroom, 24/04/2024: S&Ds: Growth plan for Western Balkans gives fresh impetus to enlargement
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 07/05/2024: Reform and Growth Facility for the Western Balkans adopted

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