Security Autonomy for Europe?

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Series Title
Series Details 07.04.17
Publication Date 07/04/2017
Content Type

Everyone agrees that Europeans should do more for their own defence and security.

In a new commentary, Sir Adam Thomson, Director of the European Leadership Network (ELN) argued that an EU and NATO focus on achieving European 'strategic autonomy' would be more productive than President Trump's clumsy insistence on how much gets spent.

A roadmap for reaching autonomy would boost European capabilities, EU-NATO collaboration, and transatlantic security ties. The best way to keep the US engaged is to show that Europe intends to stand on its own two feet.

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Related Links
Carnegie Europe: Strategic Europe, 23.03.17: A Franco-German Defense Deal for Europe (et al)
ESO: Background information: Resolution on implications of a common security and defence policy, March 2017
ESO: Background information: Conclusions on the EU Global Strategy in the area of security and defence, 6 March 2017
ESO: Background information: Time for a European Security Council
ESO: Background information: Defence Expenditures of NATO Countries (2009-2016)
ELN: Policy Brief, April 2018: European Strategic Autonomy: Stop Talking, Start Planning

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