Social Europe Magazine | Number 2/92 (Supplement)

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details Supplement 2/92, Number 2
Publication Date 1992
ISBN 92-826-4537-1
EC CE-NC-92-002-EN-C
Content Type

Enterprises and people aspects in the information technology sector to the year 2000


The Information Technology (IT) Sector is leading the Second Industrial Revolution in Europe. In the process, it is pioneering innovative practices in areas such as employment, work skills, qualifications and training.

A Conference was sponsored by the Commission of the European Communities. It highlighted the trends in human resource development in the IT Sector in the Member States. Its main objective was to identify the business and people challenges faced by the Sector in the 1990s, and to suggest appropriate strategies for meeting them successfully at the level of individual firms and governments.

Further information:

The report focused on the conclusions of the European Community's Conference on Enterprise and People Aspects in the Information Technology Sector to the Year 2000.

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