Tension between Italy and the European Commission over draft national budget for 2019

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Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 2018
Content Type


Reports and analysis of the tension between the European Commission and the Italian government over the country's draft budgetary plans for 2019.

Further information:

Italy's government submitted its draft 2019 budget to the European Commission on 15 October 2018. The document includes plans to increase spending and bring austerity policies to an end. The European Commission warned the country on 18 October against the policy options laid out in the draft budget plans and demanded a set of 'clarifications' over its deviation from the fiscal goals set out by the Commission for Italy.

On 22 October, the Italian government vowed to maintain its spending plans. This resulted in an official rejection by the European Commission on the following day of the proposed budget for 2019, which requested the Italian government to review its draft budget plans. The country's cabinet vowed on 14 November to stick to the initial plans, in what was seen by analysts as a sign of defiance. The Commission identified on 21 November the need to launch an excessive deficit procedure (EDP) against Italy due to what they consider to be a serious danger of infringement of EU fiscal rules. However, media reports on 19 December suggested an agreement had been reached between the Italian authorities and the European Commission the draft budgetary plans for 2019. It was eventually endorsed by the country's bicameral Parliament later in the month.

The Commission put forward in 2015 a set of guidelines on the implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact (SGP), which resulted in a 'Commonly agreed position on Flexibility within the Stability and Growth Pact' later endorsed by the Council of the European Union.

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Commentary and Analysis
Verfassungsblog, 27.10.18: The Italian Budget Drama – Brussels and Rome on Collision Course https://verfassungsblog.de/the-italian-budget-drama-brussels-and-rome-on-collision-course/
The Conversation, 05.06.18: Italy’s new government is on a collision course with EU fiscal rules – it’s time for eurozone reform https://theconversation.com/italys-new-government-is-on-a-collision-course-with-eu-fiscal-rules-its-time-for-eurozone-reform-97715
LSE European Institute: EuroppBlog, 27.10.18: From ‘Vincolo Esterno’ to ‘Nemico Esterno’: The disturbing new demonisation of the EU http://blogs.lse.ac.uk/europpblog/2018/10/27/from-vincolo-esterno-to-nemico-esterno-the-disturbing-new-demonisation-of-the-eu/
EUObserver, 19.10.18: What Italy's budget row is actually about https://euobserver.com/economic/143170
The Economist, 08.11.18: Why Italy’s budget has caused a European row https://www.economist.com/the-economist-explains/2018/11/08/why-italys-budget-has-caused-a-european-row
Bruegel: Director’s Cut: The Italian government budget proposal for 2019 http://bruegel.org/2018/09/directors-cut-the-italian-government-budget-proposal-for-2019/
Euro|topics: EU-Italy budget row https://www.eurotopics.net/en/209816/eu-italy-budget-row
The Economist, 15.11.18: A defiant Italy puts Europe’s fiscal rules to the test https://www.economist.com/europe/2018/11/15/a-defiant-italy-puts-europes-fiscal-rules-to-the-test
Bloomberg, 14.11.18: Don’t Let Italy Block Euro-Zone Reform https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2018-11-19/china-stimulus-efforts-are-failing-for-good-reason
Foreign Policy, 14.11.18: Europe Should Let Italy Win https://foreignpolicy.com/2018/11/14/europe-should-let-italy-win/
Euro|topics, November 2018: Brussels cracks down on Rome over deficit https://www.eurotopics.net/en/210402/
Euro|topics, December 2018: Why is the EU not punishing Rome? https://www.eurotopics.net/en/212058/

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The New York Times, 23.10.18: E.U. Rejects Italy’s Budget, and Populists Dig In https://www.nytimes.com/2018/10/23/world/europe/italy-budget-eu.html
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Politico, 19.12.18: Fears of Euroskepticism blunt Brussels’ budget threats against Rome https://www.politico.eu/article/fears-of-euroskepticism-blunt-commission-budget-threats-against-rome-salvini-juncker/
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The New York Times, 19.12.18: Italy and E.U. Reach a Budget Deal, as Populist Plan Runs Into Reality https://www.nytimes.com/2018/12/19/world/europe/italy-eu-budget.html
The Local (Italy), 30.12.18: Italian MPs approve revised budget after EU standoff https://www.thelocal.it/20181230/italian-mps-approve-revised-budget-after-eu-standoff
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Reuters, 29.12.18: Italian parliament passes budget in confidence vote, after EU deal https://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKKCN1OS0N7
Bloomberg, 30.12.18: Italy's Populists Win Budget Battle, But Wars Loom in 2019 https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-12-30/italy-s-populists-win-budget-battle-but-big-wars-loom-in-2019

European Commission: European Commission Opinion on the 2019 draft budgetary plan of Italy http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_MEMO-18-6175_en.htm
European Commission: Press Release, 23.10.18: European Commission requests that Italy presents a revised draft budgetary plan for 2019 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_IP-18-6174_en.htm
European Commission: Vice-President Valdis Dombrovskis: College read-out and remarks on the Italian budget, 19 December 2018 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-18-6886_en.htm
European Commission: Commissioner Pierre Moscovici: College read-out and remarks on the Italian budget, 19 December 2018 http://europa.eu/rapid/press-release_SPEECH-18-6885_en.htm

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