The European Parliament, the national parliaments, and European integration

Author (Person) ,
Publication Date June 1999
ISBN 0-19-829-660-6
Content Type

Book abstract:

This book addresses the question of parliamentary involvement in the emerging European political system by looking at both national and European levels of parliamentary representation. In doing this, it gives greater attention to the role of national parliaments than is usual in discussions about democracy in the European Union. Based on interviews and surveys among members of parliament at the European level and in eleven member states, it analyses the role of parliaments and parliamentarians, the linkages between national citizenry and the European level, and the problems and perspectives of institutional change. The book provides an analysis of the 'views from within' the European political system concerning European integration, and concentrates on three dimensions: the MPs themselves; their embeddedness in the process; and their perspectives on institutional structures. These 'views from within' offer new insights and answers to institutional problems in the European Union and the so-called democratic deficit.
This is one of two companion volumes that report on the results of the European Representation Study. The other volume is Political Representation and Legitimacy in the European Union edited by Hermann Schmitt and Jacques Thomassen, also published by Oxford University Press.

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