The European Union and global capitalism. Origins, development, crisis

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Publication Date 2016
ISBN 978-1-4039-9752-4 (hbk) / 978-1-4039-9753-1 (pbk)
Content Type

This book draws on critical theory to introduce readers to ways of exploring questions about the EU from a political economy perspective, questions like: Does the EU help or hinder Europe's 'social models' to face the challenges of globalization? Does the EU represent a break from Europe's imperial past? What were the causes of the Eurozone crisis?


1. Traditional narratives, traditional theory
2. Critical political economy
3. The single market: consolidating neoliberalism
4. Origins and development of the EMU: money and finance in the European Union
5. The welfare state: whither the 'social dimension'?
6. Core and periphery in an enlarged European Union
7. The American challenge revisited: the lengthening shadow of US hegemony
8. The European Union, the global south, and the emerging powers

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