The ‘Populist Moment’: Towards a ‘post-liberal’ Europe?

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Series Details No.414, December 2016
Publication Date 12/12/2016
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Of course national contexts are specific and differ from one country to another; it is however hard not to associate the vote in the US on 8 November 2016 with the British referendum on 23 June of the same year. The 'West' is experiencing a 'populist moment' and continental Europe is not being spared. The argument at the centre of this text is that the various forms of populism - which are feeding a Eurosceptic and even Europhobic discourse - all converge towards a crisis over liberalism which has to be surmounted if we are to prevent our societies from closing on the modern world.

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Blog: LSE EuroppBlog, 04.08.17: What Geert Wilders and the Antilles can tell us about tensions between populism and liberalism

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