The role of fiscal rules in relation with the green economy

Author (Person) ,
Author (Corporate)
Publisher ,
Series Title
Series Details PE 614.524
Publication Date September 2020
ISBN 978-92-846-7023-9
EC QA-03-20-582-EN-N
Content Type


To achieve the necessary green transition in the EU, additional public investments by Member States will need to be mobilised throughout the next decade. In light of the macroeconomic environment of very low interest rates, this calls for a reform of the EU fiscal framework. The paper discusses three approaches for a reform of the fiscal rules to better reflect the need for higher (debt-financed) green public investment: (1) an exemption clause for green public investment; (2) the implementation of a green golden rule; (3) a country-specific benchmark share of government expenditures dedicated to green public investment recommended by the European Commission.

This paper was provided by the Economic Governance Support Unit and Policy Department A at the request of the ECON Committee.

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