Tourism in the New Europe: The challenges and opportunities of EU enlargement

Author (Person)
Publication Date 2006
ISBN 978-1-84593-117-9
Content Type

This book examines the implications of EU enlargement for tourism in the region. It provides a country-by-country examination of each of the new member states, in terms of their current patterns and trends of tourism development and the impacts of EU accession on them. Topics include; historical trajectories of the European tourism development process, new structural and geographical patterns of European tourism, the politics of EU enlargement and implications for tourism policy, regional, national and local economic development trends, social and cultural implications of transition and accession, tourism education in the new Europe, and the marketing and re-branding of accession countries.

The intended readership is students and researchers in European studies, development studies, geography, sociology and economics.

Section 1: Introduction and Context
Introduction, D Hall and M Smith
Tourism and the European Union, C Anastasiadou
Enlargement Implications for European Tourism, M Smith and Derek Hall
Tourism and the New Europe: Views from Beyond Europe, C Michael Hall
Tourism Education in the New Europe, G Richards

Section 2: East Central Europe
Tourism and EU Enlargement: A Central European Perspective, P Jordan
Slovenia: New Challenges in Enhancing the Value of the Tourism Destination Brand, M Konecnik
Slovakia: EU Accession and Cross-Border Travel, V Baláž
Tourism in the Czech Republic, A Királová
Product Development and Diversification in Hungary, L Puczkó and T Rátz
Tourism in Poland: Changes in Policy, Management and Education, B Marciszewska

Section 3: The Baltics
The Baltics' Accession: Finnish Perspectives, R Komppula et al.
Estonia - Switching Unions: Impacts of EU Membership on Tourism Development, J Jarvis and P Kallas
Latvia Tourism: Decisive Factors and Tourism Development, I Druva-Druvaskalne, I Abols and A Šlara
Lithuania: Sustainable Rural Tourism Development in the Baltic Coastal Region, A Armanaitiene, R Povilanskas and E Jones

Section 4: The Mediterranean Enlargement
The Mediterranean Enlargement: An Overview, H Alipour and D Hall
Malta: Re-imaging the Mediterranean Destination, N Theuma
Cyprus: Building Bridges in the Borderlands of the New Europe, J Scott and L Topcan

Section 5: The Next Enlargement
Tourism in Bulgaria, M Bachvarov
Romania: National Identity, Tourism Promotion and European Integration, D Light
Turkey: EU Membership Implications for Sustainable Tourism Development, C Tosun, J Fletcher and A Fyall
Croatia in the New Europe: Culture Versus Conformity, I Ateljevic and S Corak

Section 6: Conclusions
Summary and Conclusions: M Smith and D Hall

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