Victims’ rights as standards of criminal justice – Justice for victims of violent crime, Part I

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Publication Date April 2019
ISBN 978-92-9474-341-1
EC TK-03-18-557-EN-N
Content Type


Victims of violent crime have various rights, including to protection and to access justice. But how are these rights playing out in practice? Are victims of violent crime properly seen, informed, empowered and heard? Do they tend to feel that justice has been done? The four-part report series takes a closer look at these questions, based on interviews with victims, people working for victim support organisations, police officers, attorneys, prosecutors and judges.

This report — Part I — sketches out the development of victims’ rights in Europe, and outlines the human rights standards that apply today. Taken together, the four reports reveal a wide gap between the law ‘on the books’ and the law in practice, showing that many victims still feel marginalised. We hope this series encourages policymakers to take steps to ensure that victims of violent crime receive the attention, support and consideration to which they are entitled.

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