White Paper on the Reform of the Polish Judiciary

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date 07/03/2018
Content Type


Poland's Prime Minister presented in March 2018 a White Paper on the reform of the Polish justice system. The document contains a list of reasons why the reform of the judiciary were seen as necessary and was expected to respond to the most important reservations expressed by the European Commission.

Source Link https://www.premier.gov.pl/files/files/white_paper_en_full.pdf
Related Links
Poland: Chancellery of the Prime Minister: News, 08.03.18: The government presents a White Paper on the reforms of the Polish justice system https://www.premier.gov.pl/en/news/news/the-government-presents-a-white-paper-on-the-reforms-of-the-polish-justice-system.html
Radio Poland, 08.03.18: Polish PM hands white paper on court reforms to EU officials http://thenews.pl/1/10/Artykul/352959
Reuters, 08.03.18: Poland warns EU pressure over legal reforms could backfire https://uk.reuters.com/article/idUKKCN1GK1GT
Politico, 08.03.18: Poland takes leaf out of Juncker’s book in Brussels battle https://www.politico.eu/article/poland-rule-of-law-brussels-takes-leaf-out-of-junckers-book-in-battle/

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