Beijing pursues European charm offensive

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 6.1.11
Publication Date 06/01/2011
Content Type

Article reports that China has launched a charm offensive in Europe in January 2011 with repeated promises by Li Keqiang, the visiting deputy premier, to buy Spanish sovereign bonds and help the eurozone emerge from its public debt crisis.

After Greece and Portugal, Peking has now come to the rescue of crisis-stricken Spain, with a massive buy-up of national debt. A symbol of increasing inroads China is making in Europe.

Related Links
Deutsche Welle, 7.1.11: China's help brings political price for the EU,,14754815,00.html
BBC News, 9.1.11: Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang making UK state visit
BBC News, 5.1.11: China backs Spain in new eurozone support
PressEurop, 5.1.11: Beijing, the self-serving life-saver
ESO: Background information: China bites into Europe’s soft underbelly

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