British influence in the EU. Improving British staffing numbers in the European Commission, July 2014

Author (Corporate)
Publication Date July 2014
Content Type

There have been a number of reports in the media over the years about the decreasing influence of the United Kingdom in the EU Institutions due to a low proportion of UK national seeking jobs in Brussels. Due to increasing concerns inside the City, the British Bankers Association decided to take a detailed look at the problem and design possible remedies.

What the BBA found was different from the clichés about lack of British leverage: the report published in July 2014 showed that Britain remained well-represented at the top echelons of the European Commission. (Of the 128 senior management and top cabinet positions, Germany held 20, the UK 13 and France 11 at the end of 2013.) This confirms the view that the UK has been and remains one of the most influential EU member states.

But there were two worrying tendencies that pointed to an impending cliff-edge for British influence – many of the highest-ranking British officials were near retirement age and there was no pipeline of junior colleagues ready to replace them.

To improve British staff level in the European Commission, the BBA proposed a range of possible measures, including:

+ Increasing the number of entrants to the European Fast Stream and providing for more and better preparation, in order to improve the number of UK nationals taking and passing the concours.

+ Encouraging British civil servants to spend time in Brussels during their career, e.g. by requiring civil servants to undertake a secondment to EU institutions or UKREP 
as a necessary condition for promotion to the senior civil service.

+ Improving the application rate of British graduates for EU jobs by awareness raising at universities among students with adequate language skills.

+ Increasing scholarship opportunities for British graduates at the College of Europe, which is the best preparation school for an EU job.

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Related Links
BBA: News, 21.07.14: Is British influence in Brussels about to fall off a cliff?
ESO: Background information: Brussels seeks to woo monoglot Brits
UK: Civil Service Fast Stream: European Fast Stream
EurActiv, 29.07.14: Is British influence in Brussels about to fall off a cliff?

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