British migration fears overblown

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Series Details 05.04.13
Publication Date 05/04/2013
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A report published on 5 April 2013 by the National Institute and Social Research says that fears of massive migration and exploitation of the British welfare system are overblown.

Based on an analysis of surveys, statistics and academic papers in Britain, Bulgaria and Romania, the report lists Spain and Italy as the preferred destinations for migrants from the two Balkan countries.

Numbers in Britain, according to the Labour Force Survey, are "relatively low." Some 26,000 Bulgarians and 80,000 Romanians are currently living in Britain.

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Related Links
National Institute of Economic and Social Research: Potential impacts on the UK of future migration from Bulgaria and Romania
ESO: Background information: EU ministers target 'benefit tourism'
ESO: Background Information: Bulgaria and Romania to be denied passport-free travel
The Guardian, 05.04.13: Romanian and Bulgarian migrants 'unlikely to head for UK' – report
EurActiv, 05.04.13: UK report rebuffs Cameron on migrants from Bulgaria, Romania
BBC News, 05.04.13: Romanian and Bulgarian immigrant impact 'modest'
The Daily Telegraph, 05.04.13: UK’s head in the sand (Via PressEurope)
BBC News, 22.04.13: Polls: No indication of huge Romanian-Bulgarian influx
Blog: The Guardian: Comment is Free, 10.11.13: The dreaded flood of Romanian migrants isn't going to happen
Adevărul, 12.11.13: How the Daily Mail invented a Romanian invasion story (via PressEurop)

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