Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Brussels, 14 July 2015

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 14.07.15
Publication Date 14/07/2015
Content Type

The following topics were discussed at the Ecofin Council held in Brussels on the 14 July 2015.

+ Presidency work programme - Luxembourg took over the rotating presidency of the Council of the EU on 1 July 2015. It presented its work programme for the upcoming 6 months. Ministers exchanged views on the programme.

+ European Semester 2015: the country-specific recommendations - The Council adopted country-specific recommendations to the EU member states and to the euro area as a whole on economic, fiscal and employment policies. The draft council recommendations were endorsed by the June 2015 European Council.

+ Report on completing Europe's Economic and Monetary Union - The Council discussed the Five presidents' report on completing Economic and Monetary Union. The report was drafted by the president of the European Commission, in close cooperation with the presidents of the European Council, the Eurogroup and the European Central Bank. The president of the European Parliament was closely involved in the process of drafting the report. The June 2015 European Council asked the Council to examine the report promptly.

+ Situation regarding Greece - inevitably the debt crisis in Greece was also discussed in the fringes of the meetng, including the preliminary agreement reached by the eurozone countries over the weekend of 11-13 July 2015.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: Extraordinary Eurogroup meeting, 11-12 July 2015 / Euro Summit, Brussels, 12-13 July 2015 / European Council, Brussels, 12 July 2015
Eurogroup: Meeting, Brussels, 13 July 2015
ESO: Background information: Economic and Financial Affairs Council, Luxembourg, 19 June 2015
European Commission: DG Communication: RAPID: STATEMENT/15/5370, 14.07.15: ECOFIN: Vice-President Dombrovskis's opening remarks at the press conference
EUObserver, 14.07.15: Finance ministers fail to decide bridge financing for Greece
ESO: Background information: Economic and fiscal policies: Council issues recommendations to member states

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