French parliament approves landmark gay marriage bill

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 12.02.13
Publication Date 12/02/2013
Content Type

France's National Assembly (lower house) approved the government’s controversial ‘marriage for all’ bill in a final vote on the 12 February 2013 after months of fierce debate. The law was President François Hollande’s first major social reform.

Thousands gathered in Paris on the 24 March 2013 to protest against the controversial bill to legalise same-sex marriage and adoption.

France's Senate (upper house) held a debate and passed a key article of the bill on the 9 April 2013.

Opinion polls suggested a majority of French people still supported gay marriage but numbers had fallen in 2013.

Police estimated that 45,000 people attended the last big rally against same-sex marriage and adoption in Paris on the 21 April 2013 before the bill was expected to become law on the 23 April 2013.

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BBC News, 12.02.13: France gay marriage: National Assembly backs law
ESO: Background information: Same-sex marriage reveals cracks in Sarkozy party
BBC News, 29.01.13: France's parliament begins long debate on gay marriage
Spiegel Online International, 14.01.13: France Agonizes Over Plan to Allow Gay Marriage
The Economist, No.8821, 02.02.13: Pink pride in Paris
Deutsche Welle, 13.02.13: My gay valentine - Gay rights and marriage in Europe
France24, 25.03.13: Gay marriage protesters take to the streets in Paris
BBC News, 25.03.13: Gay marriage opponents mass in Paris for final rally
Wikipedia: Recognition of same-sex unions in Europe
Spiegel Online International, 25.03.13: Protest in Paris: Anti-Gay Marriage Activists Clash with Police
Spiegel Online International, 10.04.13: Senate Says 'I Do': France Moves Closer to Same-Sex Marriage
France24, 10.04.13: French Senate adopts key article of gay marriage bill
BBC News, 21.04.13: France gay marriage: Opponents hold last-ditch rally
France24, 18.04.13: French PM urges calm ahead of final gay marriage vote

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