Greece prepared to turn to IMF

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 4.3.10
Publication Date 04/03/2010
Content Type

Article reports that Greece is prepared to turn to the International Monetary Fund for help if its European neighbours fail to provide the financial assistance it wants after announcing on the 3 March 2010 the toughest spending cuts in decades in its 3rd Austerity Plan of 2010.

The Greek government was said to be braced for another wave of strikes after it imposed a freeze on pensions on the 3 March 2010, further cuts in public sector pay and increases in value-added tax and duties on fuel, alcohol and cigarettes.

Related Links
Kathimerini, 3.3.10: The issue, stated in plain words (editorial)
ESO: Background information: EU calls on Athens to control debt / Greece to unveil fresh austerity package
Kathimerini, 3.3.10: Living on borrowed time
BBC News, 3.3.10: Greece backs new round of tax rises and spending cuts
Spiegel Online International, 3.3.10: Athens Turns Screws on Civil Servants as EU Hints at Help,1518,681519,00.html

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