Italy’s Matteo Renzi elected new leader of the left

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 09.12.13
Publication Date 09/12/2013
Content Type

The rising star of Italy's political left, Matteo Renzi, resoundingly won the leadership of the Democratic Party (PD) in December 2013, making him a leading candidate to be the next prime minister.

The Democratic Party had failed to win a majority in the February 2013 election, leaving PM Enrico Letta to govern in a fragile coalition. Supporters hoped Mr Renzi win a primary vote could reunite a weakened and divided Democratic Party.

On the 18 December 2013, the new leader trod a careful line on labour reform, pledging to overhaul laws blamed for deterring new hiring while avoiding a direct challenge to job protection rules backed by the left's union allies.

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ESO: Background information: The PD’s leadership election might signal the first step in the re-legitimation of the Italian political system
BBC News, 09.12.13: Profile: Florence mayor Matteo Renzi
Wikipedia: Matteo Renzi
The Guardian, 09.12.13: Florence mayor Matteo Renzi's victory boosts left's election hopes
Euronews, 09.12.13: New broom Matteo Renzi is elected as leader of Italy’s centre-left
EurActiv, 09.12.13: Renzi wins Italian centre-left leadership
La Stampa, 09.12.13: Renzi must save Italy from ungovernability (via Euro|Topics)
Corriere della Sera, 09.12.13: New PD Secretary Renzi Promises 'Real Change'
Blog: Ideas on Europe: from Rome with Love, 09.12.13: Please, Mr. Renzi, debunk this Europe
EurActiv, 19.12.13: Italy's Renzi treads carefully over labour reform
LSE EuroppBlog, 19.12.13: The election of Matteo Renzi as the leader of the PD might herald a ‘New Labour’ style revolution in Italy’s centre-left
Policy Network: Opinion, 19.12.13: Matteo Renzi: Breaking from the rituals of Rome?
Blog: Policy Network, 27.08.14: The Italian left a crossroads: Where now for the PD?

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