Ministers finalise €10 billion Cyprus bailout

Author (Person)
Series Title
Series Details 15.04.13
Publication Date 15/04/2013
Content Type

At a meeting of eurozone finance ministers in Dublin on 12 April 2013, final agreement on a €10 billion bailout for Cyprus was reached.

Under the terms of the deal, the €10 billion package will be composed of €9 billion from the European Stability Mechanism (ESM) and €1 billion from the International Monetary Fund.

In order to secure the 10bn euros, agreed by the EU and IMF, Cyprus was forced to wind up one major bank and write-off of a large portion of secured debt and uninsured deposits in the Bank of Cyprus, and for this reason the government is to relax its citizenship rules for foreign investors who lost at least 3 million euros under the bailout.

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ESO: Background information: Cyprus economy to shrink 12.5% despite EU bailout
Deutsche Welle, 13.04.13: Doing the math for a Cyprus bailout
BBC News, 14.04.13: Cyprus to ease citizenship rules for EU bailout losers
O Phileleftheros / Der Spiegel, 15.04.13: President tries to hold on to the Russians (via PressEurop)
EUObserver, 16.04.13: Bundestag likely to approve Cyprus bailout
Spiegel Online International, 15.04.13: Hit By the Levy: Cyprus Mulls Citizenship Offer for Russians
EUObserver, 18.04.13: EU leaders under fire over Cypriot 'fiasco'
EurActiv, 18.04.13: Cyprus vote throws new uncertainty on bailout
EUObserver, 30.04.13: Cypriot MPs set to back €10bn EU bailout

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