Portugal: Peripheral nerves

Author (Person) ,
Series Title
Series Details 8.11.10
Publication Date 08/11/2010
Content Type

Major analysis feature. As western Europe’s poorest country Portugal is forced to pay more to borrow, the latest harsh austerity measures show little sign yet of removing it from the line of fire.

Related Links
Il Foglio, 18.11.10: How Portugal popped its cork (via PressEurop) http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/395581-how-portugal-popped-its-cork
ESO: Background information: Portuguese parliament approves budget http://www.europeansources.info/record/portuguese-parliament-approves-budget/
ESO: Background information: Debt costs jump for Dublin and Lisbon http://www.europeansources.info/record/debt-costs-jump-for-dublin-and-lisbon/
Público, 25.11.10: Portugal’s lost generation (via PressEurop) http://www.presseurop.eu/en/content/article/405121-portugal-s-lost-generation

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