Press Release: Commission presents an action plan for the steel sector

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/527 (11.06.13)
Publication Date 11/06/2013
Content Type

The European Commission on 11 June 2013 put forward an action plan for the European Steel Industry to help this sector confront its challenges and lay the foundations for future competitiveness by fostering innovation, creating growth and jobs.

For the first time since the Davignon Plan of 1977, the Commission is proposing an Action Plan for steel. The Commission proposes to support demand for EU-produced steel both at home and abroad, by acting to ensure EU steel producers have access to third country markets through fair trade practices. The European Commission is also committed to cutting costs for the industry, including those arising from EU regulation. Innovation, energy efficiency and sustainable production processes are vital for the next generation steel products essential for other key European industries.

The Action Plan also foresees targeted measures to support employment in the sector and accompany the restructuring to ensure that highly skilled labour is retained in Europe.

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Related Links
European Commission: Rapid: MEMO/13/523: Ensuring a future for steel in Europe

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