Press Release: Commission publishes European test results on horse DNA and Phenylbutazone: no food safety issues but tougher penalties to apply in the future to fraudulent labelling

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/331 (16.04.13)
Publication Date 16/04/2013
Content Type

Launched in March 2013, the coordinated EU-wide testing for horsemeat DNA and phenylbutazone1 requested, and co-financed, by the European Commission in the wake of the horsemeat scandal has revealed that less than 5% of the tested products had horse DNA and that about 0.5% of the equine carcasses tested were found to be contaminated with bute.

The results have been exchanged through the EU's Rapid Alert for Food and Feed (RASFF) which is an on-line portal that plays a key role in ensuring a high level of food safety for EU citizens since it allows European food safety authorities to swiftly inform each other of serious risks found in relation to food or feed.

Source Link
Related Links
ESO: Background information: EU begins month of intensive DNA tests for horsemeat
ESO: Background information: Widening scandal prompts EU to seek DNA testing of meat
BBC News, 16.04.13: EU horsemeat and 'bute' random test results expected
EurActiv, 17.04.13: Tests show up to 5% of EU beef products contain horsemeat

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