Press Release: Commissioner Damanaki welcomes agreement on reform of Common Fisheries Policy

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/13/488 (30.05.13)
Publication Date 30/05/2013
Content Type

The European Parliament and Council of the European Union reached political agreement on the main points in the basic regulation in the fisheries reform in the early hours of the 30 May 2013.

Maria Damanaki, European Commissioner for Fisheries and Maritime Affairs welcomed the agreement on a new, reformed fisheries policy for the EU.

The last remaining issues to be solved related to the four key issues of the Maximum Sustainable Yield objective, the discard ban, regionalisation and fleet capacity management.

The centrepiece of the reform is a requirement that all EU stocks be fished at sustainable levels by 2020, with most required to meet that standard in 2015.

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EurActiv, 30.05.13: EU ministers approve crackdown on over-fishing
ESO: Background Information: Fishing opportunities for 2014: further phase out of overfishing
Blog: CFP Reform Watch, 30.05.13: Parliament and Council reach political agreement on basic regulation
ESO: Background information: Euro MPs back large-scale fishing reform to save stocks
European Parliament: Press Release, 30.05.13: European Parliament secures sustainable fisheries policy
BBC News, 30.05.13: Key EU fishing reform deal clinched
Greenpeace, 30.05.13: EU agrees workable deal on fisheries reform to recover fish stocks and support low-impact fishing
Public Service Europe, 30.05.13: EU closes in on major fisheries reform
EUObserver, 30.05.13: EU agrees overhaul of fisheries policy
European Commission: DG Fisheries and Maritime Affairs: Reform of the Common Fisheries Policy
ESO: Background information: Intervention in the European Parliament plenary session on Illegal, Unregulated and Unreported (IUU) fishing

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