Press Release: Independence referendum plans

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 10.1.12
Publication Date 10/01/2012
Content Type

The Scottish Government plans to hold an independence referendum in the autumn of 2014, First Minister Alex Salmond announced on 10 January 2012.

Source Link
Related Links
United Kingdom: Scotland Office: Press Release, 10.1.12: UK Government offers to transfer power to Holyrood for independence referendum
United Kingdom: Scotland Office: Scotland's constitutional future: A consultation on facilitating a legal, fair and decisive referendum on whether Scotland should leave the United Kingodm (Cm 8203, January 2012)
United Kingdom: UK Parliament: Parliamentary business: News, 11.1.12: Statement on Scotland's constitutional future
United Kingdom: Scotland Office: Press Release, 23.2.12: 'Stop blocking the Scottish people from having their say' - David Mundell
United Kingdom: Scotland Office, 22.2.12: No need for referendum 'go slow' says Moore

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