Press Release: Investment Plan for Europe: EIB Group’s first equity participation in investment fund in France dedicated to renewable energies

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details BEI/15/176-EN (23.07.15)
Publication Date 23/07/2015
Content Type

The European Investment Bank (EIB) Group signed on 23 July 205 its first equity participation under the Investment Plan for Europe, a €50 million commitment to an investment fund managed by Omnes Capital and entirely dedicated to developing renewable energies: Capenergie 3.

The signature of this participation followed the signature on the previous day of the agreement to implement the Investment Plan for Europe by the EIB and the European Commission.

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Related Links
EurActiv, 27.07.15: France tops the list for Juncker Plan funding
ESO: Background information: Investment Plan for Europe to support renewable energy and strategic infrastructure projects

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