Press Release: Investment Plan for Europe: More than 100 billion euro of investments less than one year into Fund

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/16/1865 (20.05.16)
Publication Date 20/05/2016
Content Type

The European Commission's partner in the Investment Plan, the European Investment Bank, approved on 19 May 2016 eight more projects for a financing volume of 9.3 billion euro. This took the total of approved investment projects to 64 and already achieved almost a third of the targeted 315 billion euro investments over three years.

Less than one year into its existence, the European Fund for Strategic Investments supported 64 projects and triggered more than 100 billion euro of investment across the European Union.

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Related Links
ESO: Background Information: Investment Plan for Europe
ESO: Background information: Press Release: Investment Plan for Europe: First EFSI deal signed in Greece by EIF and ProCredit Group to provide loans for innovative SMEs
EurActiv, 25.05.16: Juncker Plan struggles to make inroads in Eastern Europe

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