Press Release: Justice Ministers agree on modern insolvency rules

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details IP/14/2322 (04.12.14)
Publication Date 04/12/2014
Content Type

A 'rescue and recovery' approach to insolvency would give viable businesses a second chance when facing financial difficulties cross-border – following a political agreement by ministers in the Justice Council on the 4 December 2014.

The modernised rules would make it easier for businesses to restructure and for creditors to get their money back, as well as ensuring that procedures for cross-border insolvencies were effective and efficient.

Source Link
Related Links
European Commission: DG Justice: Civil Justice: Civil and commercial matters: Insolvency proceedings
ESO: Background information: 3354th Council meeting Justice and Home Affairs (Justice) - Brussels, 4 December 2014
Council of the European Union: Press Release, 04.12.14: Insolvency proceedings: new rules to promote economic recovery
ESO: Background information: Modern Insolvency Rules: European Commission kicks off EU-wide interconnection of insolvency registers
ESO: Background information: Insolvency: European Parliament backs Commission proposal to give viable businesses a 'second chance'

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