Speech by President of the European Council Herman Van Rompuy at the Annual Conference of Policy Network ‘Britain in Europe: channelling change together’

Series Title
Series Details EUCO 56/13 (28.2.13)
Publication Date 28/02/2013
Content Type

Speaking today (28.2.2013) in the City of London, President Van Rompuy shared reflections on how European countries jointly deal with change and on Britain's role in the Union.
Looking at the economic situation in the eurozone, he said "It is finally sinking in that the euro is here to stay… The eurozone is again a club with a queue – not at the exit, but at the entrance." Yet "if there is one thing we cannot afford, it's sitting back complacently. The most serious problems are shared beyond the eurozone and affect the whole of Europe."

Source Link http://www.consilium.europa.eu/uedocs/cms_data/docs/pressdata/en/ec/135747.pdf
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