Statement by Ministers of the Global Coalition following the Meeting on the Defeat of Da’esh, Washington D.C., 22 March 2017

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details 23.03.17
Publication Date 23/03/2017
Content Type

On the 23 March 2017, Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition met in Washington at the invitation of U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson to review and accelerate the campaign for the lasting defeat of Da’esh.

During this meeting, Foreign Ministers of the Global Coalition insured that they remained firmly united in their outrage at Da’esh’s atrocities and in their determination to eliminate this global threat and overcome its false, destructive narrative. They reiterated their commitment to an integrated, multidimensional, and comprehensive approach to defeat Da’esh and its global networks, fully recognizing this would require sustained, focused efforts.

We also welcomed the decisive milestones to date in reducing Da’esh’s territorial control and degrading its leadership, access to resources, and global network in Iraq and in Syria.

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Related Links
EU: EEAS: Mogherini attends meeting of the Global Coalition to counter Da'esh in Washington DC
ESO: Background information: EU actions to counter Da’esh

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