Statement: Statement by Commissioner Hahn and MEPs Vajgl, Howitt and Kukan: Agreement in Skopje to overcome political crisis

Author (Corporate)
Series Title
Series Details STATEMENT/15/5372 (15.07.15)
Publication Date 15/07/2015
Content Type

The four largest political parties of FYR Macedonia reached an agreement regarding the political crisis hitting the country in the previous months. The deal followed negotiations in Skopje on 14-15 July 2015 and was welcomed by EU's enlargement commissioner Johannes Hans, as well as by members of the European Parliament Ivo Vaigl, Richard Howitt and Eduard Kukan.

The deal includes an agreement concerning the resignation of prime minister Nikola Gruevski and the organisation of early parliamentary elections on 24 April 2016.

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ESO: Background information: EU and US broker early elections in Macedonia
EUObserver, 15.07.15: Macedonia PM to go as part of EU-brokered deal, 15.07.15: Macedonia to Hold Early Elections on 24 April 2016, 15.07.15: Macedonia sets early 2016 elections after EU brokers end to stand-off
EurActiv, 16.07.15: Commission hammers out Macedonia compromise

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